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chica cristiana

She is strong

welcome to my head

The journey of my life has been a constant coming and going, of falls and rises, of fears and worries. However, love has taught me to see who I want to be. This place is about my journey. 

Let's have a coffee and talk!

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The She is Strong project

I started she is strong because wanted to write whatever I want. I wanted to write about love and heartbreak, pain, sorrow, sadness and joy, about what it is to be an adult, to face challenges and fears.

And just as I wanted to write about what it is to live, I thought that there could be many other women who wanted to write as well. That is where She is Strong is born. As a space where we can express ourselves and understand each other.

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My pillars are:

sustainable fashion


Slow life



Writing has always been one of the spaces where I have been able to be myself, and each time I am convinced that it is a gift that is there, but that few people know about.

Today I think it is time for my writings to reach other people and they can feel identified and find a safe place to reflect, share, learn and unlearn together.

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Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

@she is strong

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manos, chica con discapacidad

"She is strong and full of energy and is a hard worker.
She is clothed in strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future."

proverbs 31

Podcast - There is no fear anymore png version 01.png

Like a whisper to the heart, like an inexplicable peace His voice has been for me, and today I share that with you. This podcast is my intimate and private space, a place for meditations😶‍🌫️, confessions🫣 and reflections🤓 in the Word of Life📖, the place where I learned that there is no fear in love💛✨

1 John 4:18

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